THE BEAUTIFUL LETDOWN - Live From Los Angeles >>


We live in the tension of infinite dreams trapped inside of finite bodies. It’s as if death and eternity are fighting within us. And in these postmodern times, we long for the good, the true, the beautiful- but hope is hard to find. Headlines of fear and despair come at us every morning. War, genocide, divorce, racism… It’s easy to get discouraged.

Or bitter.
Or cynical.

Maybe you think that you want control. So you hold on tight. Your open hands become fists, squeezing the life out of what you’re trying hold. Choking the very thing that means most.
Maybe you want to escape, to run away from the pain. A positive resolution feels impossible, and a part of you begins to die. The part of you that believed in other humans, humans that don’t look like you. Yeah, sometimes what you need is what you fight. But there comes a time to stop running away. A time to start healing. Admit there’s a problem, that’s a start. Acknowledge the wounds within you. Acknowledge the wounds around you.



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